Creation of a Short Film : The Script...

So earlier I created a post of how important the script is to the creation of my film, and below is the blueprint to my short film, as I planning on just using digentic and non-digentic sound and music rather than dialogue my script contains just the location and shots of each key scene.
The Script

A variety of shots in order to create an initial impression to the audience of a typical morning routine for JENNY HARPER. Birds-eye view of JENNY HARPER (aged twenty-six) in bed, arm stretches out to turn off alarm clock set for 7:30am. Camera cuts to a medium side shot of JENNY HARPER on side facing towards camera. Camera cuts to long shot of JENNY HARPER climbing out of bed. Matching on action as camera cuts to close up of her feet as tights are pulled on, and step into dress followed by a close up on the end of the zip being pulled up. Camera cuts to long shot of JENNY HARPER walking out of the bedroom door wearing dress and tights.  
Camera focused on bathroom mirror. Close up shot of JENNY HARPER applying face creams and make-up
Close up pan shot of cereal bowl, metal spoon, mug on table. Extreme-close up shot of pouring cereal and milk. Camera cuts to long shot of JENNY HARPER standing with back to camera looking out of French doors onto garden, then turns walks towards camera and passes. Camera cuts to extreme close up of black high heels shoes, label tied to the shoes, JENNY HARPER bends down to look at label (main focus is centred around the label) unties it and feet slip into shoes. Label is dropped on floor camera focuses on this image for a few seconds.
Low camera angle looking up to entrance door as JENNY HARPER walks out of door. Camera cuts to long shot of JENNY HARPER walking up the road. Match of action as camera cuts to tube entrance, low angle shot of JENNY HARPERS feet coming down entrance stars. Extreme close up shot of oyster card being swept on ticket barrier.
A variety of quick shots, cutting between tube map, people, train pulling away, mobile phone with text message saying work in order to imply to the audience that JENNY HARPERS concerns are centred around work. Pan shot, in order to create a smooth transition into an over the shoulder shot, whereby the second shoes comes into view. Camera cuts to extreme close up of brogue shoes, label tied to the shoes. Camera cuts of long shot of JENNY HARPER stood looking down at shoes and bends down. Camera cuts to feet slipping into shoes and hands bend down to tie shoes up. Black shoes are left in place camera focuses on this image for a few seconds.
Long shot of bench, central to the bench is a sign saying “take a minute to sit and stare”. JENNY HARPER walks into shot and sits on one end of the bench. Camera cuts to long shot behind bench, giving a point of view to the audience of what JENNY HARPER is watching. Camera cuts to original point of view facing JENNY HARPER, LIAM WOOD enter shot holding two takeaway drinks, sits opposite of the bench, slides one coffee cup across the bench to JENNY HARPER. Camera cuts to close up shot of JENNY HARPER blowing and sipping on drink. JENNY HARPER turns to face LIAM WOOD, however LIAM WOOD is already walking away. JENNY HARPER stands, and notices ballerina pumps beside bench with label tied to them. Camera cuts to extreme close up of ballerina pumps, label tied to the shoes. Camera cuts to feet slipping into shoes. Brogues are left in place camera focuses on this image for a few seconds.
Establishing shot of bridge from water edge. Long shot of sign and JENNY HARPER. Camera cuts to medium side shot of JENNY HARPER taking picture (through the lens shot). Camera cuts to close up of JENNY HARPERS face focussing on photo. Camera cuts to long shot of LIAM WOOD walking into shot and standing next to JENNY HARPER. Camera cuts to close up shot of the hands coming together. Camera shots of long shot of JENNY HARPER and LIAM WOOD walking in opposite directions from each other, camera focuses on the image of the sign for a few seconds.
Hand holding rewind. Foot in shoe rewind. On bench rewind. Walking up street rewind. Medium side shot of JENNY HARPER laid in bed looking at camera.

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