The Concepts of a Short Film...

In order to create my own successful short film, I have firstly been exploring the concept of short film from looking at the basic criteria to seeing how it is professionally defined within the industry. Catherine Des Forges states that a short film is "spare economic narratives, interesting storytelling, well structured work which draw in the audience quickly" whilst as Gareth Evans stated that "short films are long films that end earlier. A good idea, succinctly, less is more". Short films have a number of contrasting elements to feature length films, below is a table I have constructed comparing a short film against a feature film :



Must be 80 minutes or more, the majority of feature films last between 90 and 210 minutes long

Must be less than 40 minutes to be classified a short film, but many last from 5 to 10 minutes

High budget : Pirates of the Caribbean : At worlds end (2007) is ranked as the most expensive film production with a budget of $300 million

As made by independent filmmakers short films often are low budget (or in our case no budget at all)



Mainstream, usually exhibited multiplex cinemas such as ‘The Odeon’

Alternative, usually exhibited at independent cinemas such as ‘Cinema City’


Experiential (Such a surrealism short films)

Widely distributed  

Commonly distributed through the Internet, such as BBC film networks and virgin media shorts

Mass audience

Niche audience

Large “Hollywood” cast

Small casts (for example when we reproduced ‘My Beast Friend’ there was only three cast members)

High levels of special effects in order to create a “wow” reaction

More focus on engrossing the audience through the plot of the film, rather than creating an out of this world experience

Gareth Evans stated that "short films are long films that end earlier", this would indicate that it is the length of time that defines a short film, in order to be classified a short film in must be less than 40 minutes, and Gareth Evans indicates that a short film need to imply more than is possible to be screened in their limited time. We are creating a short film which is 5 minutes long, this would be dubbed as a 'micro short'. There are festivals that specifically exhibit very short films, such as 'The International Festival of Very Shorts' (a film festival based in Paris, which exhibit movies that last 3 minutes or less) and 'The International One-Minute Film Festival' which has since 2006 presented and promoted a collection on one-minute films
Gareth Evans stated that the best short film are "crystalline creations of precise, prismatic intensity", therefore similar to how Catherine Des Forges states that a short film is "..well structured work which draw in the audience quickly" and Dave Sproxton stated that a short film is "a good idea, succinctly told. Less is more". Therefore a short film is an effective realisation of one particular idea, it is the essence of their creators imagination told in a snippet. In summary a short film can be defined by how their content is well structured, in order to intensely engage the audience in one particular creative idea.
Short films have the ability to be both fiction (my personal short film is a fictional drama) and non-fiction (may short films are of a documentary genre). Short films can be recognised as multifarious as they come in a variety of forms and functions. This flexibility, is seen as a great aspect to short films, they are experimental and able to cross the boundaries of formulaic of film production and create a thought provoking production

The term 'short film' can be an inclusive one that refers to all short sequences of moving images, furthermore short films in this definition might be produced by the use of a diverse range of technologies rather than being short purely on film stock

Short film is associated with alternative filmaking, both in terms of its content and freedom of expression. Away from the constraint of industrial production, high fiance and the need to tailor a film to the expectations of the audience present in a feature film, those who make short film have an ability to retain creative control

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